Last Friday David Palmer came to visit us in class.
David is Australian, he was born in Melbourne and worked both in a banana plantation and in a gold mine.
He left Australia when he was 26 and lives in Bro Vigoudenn now.
We asked him many questions about animals and food.
He told us about the snake that lived in his roof and the rat that jumped on his arm from the banana tree he was working on.
We also learned that shark is a nice fish for children to eat because it has no bone.
Snake tastes a little like chicken and kangaroo meat is very healthy because they don't eat much fat. Vegimite is a typical Australian breakfast (we 'll try to cook some when studying Australia in class).
That was about it, time flew so fast, we probably mentioned sports, celebrating Christmas in summer time, the Aborigines...
David was a lot of fun, he was surprisingly very easy to understand and naturally friendly.
Thank you for visiting us.
4re Glas and Melen.
Ha trugarez da Ninnog !